
Showing posts from August, 2019

Solo Empires & Alliances, March 1915 Turn

The snows returned, hindering German plans. WESTERN FRONT Central Powers turn The Germans were 1 RP away from replacing every single loss from March. They restored 6 Infantry corps, sending the two strongest to the West. Unfortunately the snow reduced the mobility of those units making them unable to get to the frontlines at Verdun (4MP reduced to 2, 1MP to entrain, 1MP to detrain, cannot use rail movement in enemy ZOC so can't rail to the needed hex). Instead the high command decided to activate two cavalry corps in Belgium from garrison duty and move them to the front to participate in the attack, replacing them with the infantry corps. The attack was a success, with the two French corps defending Verdun eliminated, while the Germans lost the two Cavalry Corps in exchange. Allied turn The French, again felt obligated to respond. They reformed three infantry corps, and were able to pull three more corps plus an artillery unit out of the line as the British moved...

Solo Empires & Alliances, February 1915 Turn

Spring rains came early in the West, but the rivers filled with more than water; they filled with blood. Bloody February. That's how they'll remember it. WESTERN FRONT The German High Command issued its orders: attack Verdun and do not stop! They attacked from three sides with siege artillery smashing the fortresses; within 2 weeks the entire complex had been captured, with heavy losses on both sides. The French marshaled their reserves and counterattacked; one of the highlights of the French attack was a nighttime raid by Chasseurs Alpins on a siege artillery unit, where they managed to destroy several guns. The German High Command will not admit this publicly, but they are very pleased. The battle has cost the French an astonishing 6 Infantry Corps! It is expected that the French will need months to recover from this battle, but the Germans will be rushing more troops to the region to see if they can cause more casualties. The picture for the French doe...